On the ninth of Februay there will be be no study.
A few of us have some other places we will need to be.
I will be at the church in the hall at 6:30 if anyone wants to meet for a few minutes. Other wise I will see you all on the 16th of February. I will post again before then....

Monday- Jan. 26- Acts Chapter 13

Road Trip!!!
The beginning journeys of Paul.
Although earlier in Acts we have mission trips... This starts the on going travels of Paul.

If in today's world you find yourself spending much time at the airport on business, the rest of the book of Acts will sound familiar

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Acts 6:1-15

Acts 6:1-15

Read Acts 6:1-7
Assistants to the apostles.

What was being neglected and for what reason (v2)?
“Serving Tables” was not specific for serving dinner. It was a term also used involving money matters (see Matt 21:12, Mark 11:15, John 2:15).
They chose 7 men….
Who are these men? What qualities did they have? What duties do you think they were involved in?
As a result of this, (therefore) what happened?
See verse 7, “….and a large number of priests became…..”
Another one of Luke’s summary verses indicating the growth of the church--2:14, 2:47, 4:4, 5:14, 9:31, 12:24, 13:49, 16:5, 19:20.

Read Acts 6:8-16
Stephen does miraculous signs. First non-apostle that does this, is this important?
Acts 6:9-10
Other Jews debating with Stephen, but they could not “stand up” against him, why?
Acts 6:11-14
They “set him up”, and accuse him of blaspheme, and in general lie a lot.
The last verse.. what is the writer trying to convey to us?...meaning…..


Acts 6:1
Luke turned away from the conflict between the Sanhedrin and the church leaders to introduce two groups within the Jerusalem church. They were the "Grecian" Jews (Greek, Hellenistai, or "Hellenists’) and "Hebraic" Jews. At first glance, we may be surprised that there were different groups of Jews in the community of believers. But it appears there were. What is more, they were crucial to the story of Acts. It’s important we identify these Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews, for it will help us understand the situation of the Jerusalem church, and how the gospel message was preached.

Most commentators divide the Grecian and Hebraic Jews along linguistic and geographic lines. The Hellenistic Jews would be ones who spoke mainly Greek, and had once lived outside of Palestine. But they had permanently (or at least temporarily) settled in Jerusalem—retired, as it were, to the homeland. Nevertheless, they would still have had affinities with lands of the Jewish dispersion around the Mediterranean from which they came. The Hebraic Jews would be those who spoke mainly Aramaic, and may have been born in Jerusalem or Judea. A modern parallel would be the distinction between Jews who were born in Palestine (sabras) and those who emigrated to Israel from Europe and the Arab world.

The Hellenistic Jews in the church would probably have attended Greek-speaking synagogues before they became Christians. The Hebraic Christians would have once attended synagogues in which Aramaic was used. Of course, defining these two groups solely by their language and place of birth lacks some precision.

Paul called himself a "Hebrew of Hebrews" (Philippians 3:5) and classed himself among the Hebraioi (2 Corinthians 11:22). But he was fluent in Greek and came from Tarsus in Asia Minor, not Jerusalem. In that sense, Paul was a Hellenist. Complicating the matter is the fact that while Paul had been born a Diaspora Jew, it’s probable that he had lived since his youth in Jerusalem, where he was immersed in the foundations of Judaism.

Clearly, we must go further when trying to understand the difference between Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews. Some commentators feel that the Hellenistic Jews were more devoted to the ancestral religion and culture than the Palestinian Jews. Why would they have returned to Judea, whose culture and economy were less attractive than those of other regions and cities of the Roman Empire? As a modern example, we can think of European Zionist Jews around the turn of the century who had a fierce desire to return to their Palestinian homeland, or the Orthodox Jews who flocked to Jerusalem.

Further, we can probably assume that Diaspora Jews who had settled in Jerusalem may have been looked upon with dislike and suspicion by the natives. The immigrants would have had different languages (Greek and native tongues), values and culture. We can see this attitude of suspicion and resentment today by native-born people against immigrants as millions migrate from one nation to another.

According to the Talmud, Pharisaism made little secret of its contempt for Hellenists and, unlike those from Syria or Babylonia (regions that are often considered extensions of the Holy Land in Talmudic discussions), they were frequently categorized by the native-born and assumedly more scrupulous populace of Jerusalem as second-class Israelites (Richard N. Longenecker, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, "Acts," page 329)

As the church in Jerusalem grew larger (1:1), more and more Hebraic and Grecian Jews came into the church. We might find it surprising that some of the prejudices between the two groups had carried over into the church, since Luke had painted such an ideal picture of the community (4:32). But that had been at the very beginning of the church. As the church grew in numbers and diversity, the situation was beginning to change, and that is what the first part of chapter 6 will tell us about. As the case of Ananias and Sapphira showed, all was not well with everyone in the church.

One of the difficulties is that the Hellenistic Jews were being discriminated against in the Jerusalem church. Perhaps the slight was not intentional, but it was nonetheless real. Luke implies that the Hellenists may have been a somewhat neglected minority, and for a time, not well served.

Plagiarized from

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Acts 5:1-42

Acts 5:1-42

Read Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira

What did this couple do to cause them to be killed?
Was what they did really that bad?---Why?---Who did they think they were fooling?
What have been considered the seven deadly sins?
Circle the ones that Ananias and Sapphira accomplished J
See also Matt 6:1-6 & 16-18.

Read Acts 5:12-16

“The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders…..” (V12, see also 2:43)
“…in Solomon’s Colonnade…(see also 3:11)
“…more were added to their number…”

Verse 16- “…and all of them were healed.”

The phrasing in this set of verses continues to be repeated though out the first few chapters of Acts, does anything about this repetition speak to you? Do you think the author is trying to get a specific point across? The reference to Peter in verse 15; does this sound familiar to another time?

Read Acts 5:17-26
The Sadducees arrested (all) the apostles and threw them in the public jail (common prison).
ALL 12 of the apostles?_________________________________________________________________
An angel (he) released them and told them to “stand in the TEMPLE COURTS….” …tell the people the FULL message..”(V20)
What’s the “Full Message”?______________________________________________________________

Verse 26-the Sanhedrin and the Sadducees feared the people?_________________________________

Read Acts 5:27-42

Verse 27-28;
The Sanhedrin are angry they are still teaching the ways of Christ, and that they are blaming them for the death of Christ. “…determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.”
Are they (Sanhedrin and Sadducees) guilty of the death of Christ?
See Matt 27: 24-26

Verse 29-32;
Peter and the other apostles’ repeat that they listen to God, not man, and include the importance of repentance and who the Savior is.

Acts 5:1-42

The SS (Sanhedrin/Sadducee) are about to flip out and kill all the apostles (V33), but wait, a voice of reason from the council…
A Pharisee named Gamaliel, the most noted rabbi of his time (Macarthur Commentary) was Paul’s teacher (see Acts 22:3) speaks to the council.
What is the jest of everything he says?
Did his logic hold true to them at the time?
Does that logic hold true today?

Verse 40-42;
The apostles were flogged.
Told the same thing they have been told before, “don’t speak in the name of Jesus”
Rejoiced in being worthy enough to suffer for him.
And continued to speak in the name of Jesus.

Why is it important to be good enough to suffer?

Does a low stress job pay as much as a high stress job?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Acts 4:1-37

Acts 4:1-37

Review of chapter 3--
All of Peter’s Sermons so far has been around the need to repent. All of his sermons point to a specific reason to repent, what is that reason?
What is repentance??????
“A complete change of mind resulting in a complete change of life.
John the Baptist Matt 3:2
Jesus Matt 4:17
Jesus Luke 24:47
Peter Acts 2:38
Peter Acts 3:19
Peter Acts 8:22
Peter Acts 11:18
Paul Acts 17:30
Paul Acts 20:21
Paul Acts 26:20

A local theologian in his study of Acts starts his commentary on Acts 4 as
“PartTwo- Persecution and the Exposition of the Church”

Read Acts 4:1-22

The Sanhedrin and the Sadducee-----Who’s who, and why are they doing this to the first church?

Peter and John are now in big trouble…..
Following the lead of their Savior, Peter and John have been working miracles in the street, “proclaiming in Jesus resurrection of the dead” (v2).
What was the outcome of Peter and John being thrown in prison?
Why did the Sadducees have a problem with what Peter was proclaiming?

Acts 4:5-7
The High Priest, Caiaphas and his family are at it again. What main question did they ask of Peter that they asked before?

Acts 4:8-12
This is the biggest mouthful that made Peter ever said that made sense….List all of the points
That Peter makes in these few verses…and how they are similar to what Christ did in the Gospels.

Acts 4:12-17
Why does the Sanhedrin want Peter and John to stop teaching?
Acts 4:18-22
Who really matters that makes it ok for Peter and John to continue to teach in this fashion?

Acts 4:23-31
Before we read, what would you be praying for as a result of the beginning of chapter 4 if you were with the believers of the early church?
Acts 4:23-31
What are some of the points that were covered in the prayer to God?
Were these the same ones that you would have prayed for?
What was the outcome of their prayer?

Acts 4:32-37
Why do you think that this similar passage is here? (see 2:42-47)

The Sanhedrin was the Jews National ruling body and Supreme Court, there were 71 members along with the high priest.
The Sadducees believed that the Pentateuch did not teach resurrection.The Pharisees did believe in resurrection and the afterlife

Acts 3:1-26

Acts 3:1-26

Read all of Acts Chapter 3
Chapter 3 can hardly be studied without chapter 4. The major tie in is that Peter and John get in trouble for all the works of the Holy Spirit in all of Acts so far. As much fun as it would be to jump directly to Chapter 4 and see the ramifications of what happened, lets walk through the start in Chapter 3 first.

Acts 3:1-10
· A miracle. What is the biggest significance surrounding this miracle?

Acts 3:11-16
· Who is Peter talking to?
· What are all the descriptions of Jesus? What is Peter accusing these men of?
· How was this man healed? (v16)

Acts 3:17-23
· What is the point of Peter’s message here? Is this the main message of today?
· There are many different messages listed here….

Acts 3:24-26
What is the point of Peter’s message here?_________________________________________________
How is this part of the message different than the previous verses?______________________________
How is it the same?____________________________________________________________________


Acts 2:1-47

Acts 2:1-47

Read all of Acts Chapter 2

Acts 2:1
· Pentecost; what is it? (Lev 23:15-22)
· What has the timeline looked like since the start of this book?

Acts 2:2-13
· Who are the pro-nouns “they” & “them” referring to? ____________________________________
· Is there any importance to the term “Violent wind”? ____________________________________
(See also Ezek 37:9, John 3:8)
· Speaking in Tongues, what was the purpose here? ____________________________________
· Acts 2:4- Filled with the Spirit-
o Is this a one time only event (Acts 4:31, 6:5, 7:55)
· Acts 2:5- What were Jews doing here? ____________________________________
· Acts 2:7-12- What was the big difference between all or these areas?
· Acts 2:7-12- Is it a coincidence all of these guys were here? What do you think?????

Acts 2:14-36 Peter’s Sermon
· Acts 2:17-21, Read Joel 2:28-32. “And afterward…” ”your sons and daughters…” Do these phrases suggest a time period relative to what was happening and the Holy Spirit?
· Acts 2:23-25/27- “Agony of Death”, Was Christ DEAD for three days?
· Acts 2:33- What promise did God now keep? ____________________________________
(See also John 7:39, Gal 3:14)
· Acts 2:37-39- What was the message to the congregation?
· What is their reaction? What would your reaction be? (v38)

Much importance should be tied into the fact that this may be the first alter call after the resurrection and the call for Baptism. Baptism was a call for obedience and not used as the act for salvation.

· What kind of “Alter Call” did Peter get that day??? (Acts 2:41)

Acts 2:42-47- “After service…”
· Acts 2:42- “Apostle teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer”, is this what we do at church?
· Acts 2:43- Were the miraculous signs done only by the Apostles?
· Acts 2:44-47- What does all of this sound like?

More on the end of Acts 2, v 40-47

(v40-41) Peter warned and pleaded with the sinners…”Save your selves from this….”
3,000 were saved and baptized.

(v42) Devoted them selves to the Apostle teaching…..
· ________________________________________
· ________________________________________
· ________________________________________

Baptism not required
1 Cor 1:17

Was this like a commune?….what was it like?.....Do we see this in the church today?.....
What have you seen recently that was similar to all these “going-ons”?

Acts 1:1-26

Acts 1:1-26

“The Acts of the Apostles” The Acts of the HS through the Apostles”

Read Mt 28:18-19 & 20
· What is the Great Commission?
· What are you doing about it?
· What does the Great Commission have to do with the book of Acts?
· What does the Great Commission mean to you?
· What part of Great Commission are you?

Read all of Acts Chapter 1
Acts 1:2-4
· Do these verses define what an Apostle is? ____________________________________

Read Lk 24:48-53
Acts 1:4-9
· What do the passage in Luke and the correlating passage in Acts have in common? And why…..?

Acts 1:6-7
· What are they talking about when they are referring to the Kingdom?

Acts 1:12
· What is a Sabbaths day walk? ____________________________________
· Why should this question be asked in this context? ____________________________________

Acts 1:15-17
· 120 believers? (Remember this number!!) ____________________________________
· What does Peter mean when he says that the scripture has to be fulfilled?

Acts 1:18-20
· Who were they talking about taking his place? ___________________________________
· Who’s leading this discussion? ___________________________________
· Who should be leading this discussion? ___________________________________

Acts 1:21-26, Mt 19:28, I Cor 15:5-11
· Why is it necessary to have 12 Apostles? ___________________________________
· Why did THEY choose who they did? ___________________________________
· Were they correct in choosing so soon? ___________________________________
· Was it odd that they cast lots and prayed? ___________________________________

What do you think-
· What do you want from church? ___________________________________
· What do you want from this bible study? ___________________________________